Hi, I'm Natsumi Tsubota. I'll tell you about the way of advertisement what I admired is the commercial images on the web sites.When we use smartphones or surf the Web sites at home, we will see such advertisements every time.Those images were put onto the top or bottom of the site, so we can't avoid to see it.
←This is it.
Sometimes these ads are too nasty. If possible, I never want to see it but I access to the Internet many times a day so my eyes tell me the information of the ads. Captive users for smartphones or PCs can become brainwashed consumers. So I think it's better way to make publicity for something.
Hi I'm Natsumi Tsubota. I'll introduce about TV commercial of NOTE produced by nissan. What's Nissan NOTE? It's a hybrid car which has a spacious area in the rear seat. The commercial can inform us the major characteristics of the car.
Kazunari Ninomiya, a member of famous idol groupArashi starred it. In the first car, he is an unmarried man. He dreams while driving that he will probably marry and have some children one day. In the next car, he dresses in a tuxedo and his wife dresses in a wedding dress and sit comfortably in the front seat.And in the third car, his two daughters arrays themselves in their tutu( clothing worn by a ballerina) and they’re practicing ballet steps. It means the spacious area of the rear seat is enough to stretch one's limbs.
There’s an end of it, but we can imagine the sequel of the story. People will remember the name Nissan NOTE from thinking about the story.
The commercial is very good story as a short
drama, so if you haven’t seen it ever, you should click the Arrow button in the
center of the video to start playback!!
Hi this is Kana. Today we can see a lot of
TV commercial everywhere. For example; at home, in the train, even on the
street. It’s the most effective way to spread new product in Japan. I focused
on fragrance commercial. The product name is “AXE”. Do you know this product? AXE
is very popular with young men in Europe and U.S.A. In Japan, Unilever Japan K.K.
has been selling it from three years ago.
The story of the ad is following sentences.
There is a man, who is quite common. Before he left his home, he has used the
AXE. When he is going to buy a hot dog, the saleslady gave her phone number to
him by writing with ketchup. Because of that he was giving off the AXE fragrance.
The reason why I chose is that it has a very
strong impression. For us, Japanese, men’s fragrance is not so popular. So only
to see the men’s fragrance, I paid attention to AXE’s commercial. In addition,
this story is very interesting. I like the last scene which the girl makes the
calling sine by hand. This commercial is fascinating to young men. This make
men rally want to buy this. So, this is very good commercial.
Hi, this is Mie. I’ll introduce about “Green DA・KA・RA” TV commercial. Have you ever bought the product? Or, have you ever seen the commercial on TV? “Green DA・KA・RA” is sports drink. It is made from
11 kinds of fruits and vegetables, and it contains a lot of minerals. The taste
of it is grapefruit, and it’s not too strong taste. I like it! Suntory, a
famous beverage company, made this product.
The story of this commercial is that a
little girl runs about in a small market, and gets a lot of “iimono” (in English, good things for health) from people. The little girl is called Green DA・KA・RA chan, and she makes “Green DA・KA・RA” from the “iimono”. She is very
cute, and good music is used in this commercial. Since I like Green DA・KA・RA chan and the music, I chose to
introduce. The good points of this commercial are memorable music, a cute girl,
and simple atmosphere. There points impressed viewers that the product is good
for health. Green DA・KA・RA chan doesn’t belong any theatrical agencies, and she is a
relative of a production staff. Her childishness and unrestrained behavior are
one of the attractions of this commercial.
If you have never seen the commercial
on TV, you really should see it!!!
Here is a HP filled with information about Green DA・KA・RA.
Hello! I'm Chieko. Do you like instant noodles? I want to introduce "Maruchanseimen". This has been popular with people of all ages. There are four tastes, such as soy sauce, miso, tonkotsu, and salt. Toyo Suisan company whose founder is Kazuo Mori had developped the new products for about five years and Maruchanseimen was sold last November.
Toyo Suisan company succeeded in drying up the noodles by hot wind without frying them with oil. Consequently, the noodles are close to uncooked noodles. This is one of the most favorite CMs.
This story is Maruchanseimen is very delicious and a man is absorbed in eating it, so he doesn't notice that changing his wife for another woman. The interesting point is that his face is unchanged though he sees her. Toyo Suisan have a confidence in Maruchanseimen because "Delicious" is repeated many times and "If you think it untrue, please try it." an actor said. I was interested in Maruchanseimen when I heard them, so I chose this. Repeating same words or catchphrases is effective to sell many products. I think it is good! Maruchanseimen was successful!