Hi, this is Mie Sato. I introduce about my part-time job to you. I have a part-time job at Baskin-Robbins, and I work 3 or 4 times a week. I enjoy my job because I can serve many people like children, elders and visitors from abroad and so on. But the other hand, I have serious problems like wrist pain, making hands rough, and job stress. My main job is selling ice creams. I take an order, scoop ice creams in a ball and hand to customers. Sometimes ice creams are very hard, and when the store is packed with customers, I have to scoop many times. And, I get tired because I always have to smile during working, but as a result, I could overcome my shyness a little. The motto of Baskin-Robbins is "We make people happy through ice creams", and I can be happy when the customers smile through ice creams!
This is Baskin-Robbins ice creams.

Popping Shower and Very Berry Strawberry,
these are very popular flavors!
This is Baskin-Robbins (US) site.